EXODUS Gets Serious

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
F-BOMB, frontman & band leader, Steve Souza has put his side project on hold for an indefinite time. Meantime, guitar player
Glen Avelais, whom told me last night, confirmed the break, & not worried about it, he states he has alot other projects to keep himself busy.
EXODUS, frontman, Steve Souza, says that his decision to self
F-BOMB, was due to the newly return to EXODUS, he wants to give EXODUS the same 100%, that they have agreed to give to him. All of EXODUS starts band practice, 5 nights a week, in their Oakland studio, starting tomarrow. All attention at practoice, will concentrate on new material for the bands highly antipcipated
new album. Andy Sneap & Exodus are talking about future plans
to record & produce this new effort.
Also guitar player Rick Hunolt. and longtime girlfriend, Monica,
have given birth to a 8 Lbs., baby boy, on May 26th. his name is Odin Hunolt. Congradulations RicK!..............way to ROCK!
You know, I still haven't spoken to the guys yet, but I'm definately up for doing a new studio album with them. Glad they're getting things together, one of my favourite bands from the glory days!!
Hey Deadly Embrace, if EXODUS are practicing that much, would you expect them to try out any of their new material on the road? They play tonight in Sac, what better way to introduce new thrash -- I'd love to be one of the first to hear it. Let them know I want it!

We saw them at the Pound last month, no new material there, but then again I'm not sure how far along they've progressed with the new. Having heard stuff from Fabulous Disaster last month was awesome -- I personally would love to hear anything from Force of Habit as well.

Thrasher in Sac
After the first week of practice, they now have, one new song almost complete. But not finished in time to play last night, in Sacramento. More practice, without worrying, about playing live til
7-12(Nevada City), so I would expect more progress, & maybe a new song live next time. Also EXODUS, have gone back to their old management. Toni Isabelle is back as the their Manager, as of last week. This is good news for she will give them, the much needed buisness direction.
You know I finally got a chance to talk to Zetro after the show Saturday night. I tell you, what a class act. He said Wacken was probably going to be the first place to hear new shit -- and that they are at best a quarter of the way done on writing their stuff like you said. Hopefully those guys can make it to Germany -- I can only guess that what draws 100 or so folks here in Sac can pull a thousand in Europe -- they would deserve to see them again since when, '97?

I sorta lost track of their set list, blurred from spinning their CD's in the truck to and from and of course the beer, but it was close to the show at the Pound. Still as tight as ever.