EXODUS:Set List for Pasadena, at Perkins Palace 2-28-88

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
Anyone remember the MOD/EXODUS Tour in '88, Great tour, great bands, anyone see that Tour at Perkins Palace, in Pasadena, Ca. or The Warfield in San Francisco, Ca.....2/28.....& ............2/27/88........?......................Well after making Zetro a copy of those shows I taped back then, I thought it would be cool, to list what the set list looked like those nights, & from that tour...............

Faith No More Into Tape of "We Care Alot"
Til Death Do Us Part
A Lesson In Violence
And Then There Were None
No Love
Faster Than You'll Ever Live To Be.......
Deliver Us To Evil
Pleasures Of The Flesh

That was a high energy set, they were running around(how can they still play at the same time?), jumping off the drum riser, with spinning moves in the air, & lots of smoke & killer lighting & fat sound, now that was a tour I'll never forget, Exodus in their very prime......................................
:eek: :eek: :D :D
I remember that tour! In fact its one of my alltime favorite shows. I was right in the front row at "the Living Room" in Providence. It was January ?? 88 (I have the exact date at home on my wall)
Tim from MOD had recently broken his leg and played the entire show sitting on a stool. Billy rescued some stupid pregnant wench from being crushed against the stage.
I still have my EXODUS "Meat Party" tour shirt!
Exodus ruled that night, and MOD sounded so amazingly tight it was insane!
Man, those were the days!
It was Megadeth--------------Exodus---------------------Control, still have the poster, somewhere, if you look on The Fabulous Disaster, Album Cover, You'll see the Flyer on the wall of that garage, those are all my flyers(on the walls), I helped build that set for that album shot, with the TV set.