Testament At The Avalon Ballroom.....&.....preview of set list for LA & Vegas

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
Testament played to a hometown crowd last night in San Francisco, at The Avalon Ballroom. Many family & friends present, & a good sized pit going Round & Round......Highlights: Chuck smoked a doobie during a song, that our good friend Gil handed him from the crowd, & tossed the roach to the crowd, but not before making Eric puff on it while he was playing, but it did'nt look like Eric inhaled very much..........not a weed fiend, just a once in awhile activity.........Chuck dedicated Disciples to our very good(& Cute) friend Drea, who was getting her ass slapped all night...........During the entire set (during & in between songs), Chuck would see some of his friends & family, & call out their name(I always like that), or nicknames, that means Chuck was very good mood, & comfortable with how the show was going(overall), and having a good time, this is always a great sign........Jon Allen(nickname: Johnny Mellon) came out during a song a screamed into Chuck's mike, & pumped the crowd up(way to go, we miss you Jon). At the concerts climax(disciples), Jon jumped in for Johhny Tempesta, & played allout, he's a modern day Viking! Way to go Jon!......................Now Testament was scheduled to play a 50 minute set (regular support time), which Halford's Tour Manager(Todd-Ex-Exodus drum roadie & long time friend), strictly enforces, but tonight the boys made a little change in the set list, & added 3 songs, & ran over time, they played an hour & 10 minutes. I was at the light board during Disciples & Todd came running up with that not happy "Asshole Face"(Tour Managers are known for), grabbed the set list off the consloe, but knew that it was the last intended song, threw it down(sour faced), & went off to enforce his "Tour rules" elsewhere.....I thought that was fitting! My favorite line from him, goes like this: "Walter I've F**k'in known you for 20 years, that don't mean Shit! You will do this my way...."......I respect all Tour Managers, they just turn into "Assholes", but they can be nice, when everything is running smooth, but someone has to play The Drill Sargent, & keep a tight ship. Todd your a nice "Asshole"(nice seeing you too), glad you don't play favorites, or life would be to easy(for me), on the road!............
Some Frisco Hells Angels were present, including the President of the SF Chapter, they were very nice & polite, & not the image you would think, by the colors they wear. They all of course wanted a Hoodie(NEW: TL's Red Print), those were the hot seller, if you want one down South, get them as you come in the door, they will sellout! Not many left & I don't think they will reach Vegas.......Testament was in great form last night, hope to see everyone some time this year, so you can see them also!......................

Set List:

Chasing Fear
Burnt Off
Into The Pit
Trial By Fire
True Beleiver
3 Days
Over The Wall
Dog Faced Gods

Hope LA & Vegas get the extended Testament set...................?

Metal Forever!
F&ckin' great show, Testament ripped 'em up (I thought Eric's guitar
was a little low at first...) and Halford still has it, screaming like a rabid
banshee, and his guitarists really do a fantastic job.
<fanboy on>
Rob very kindly signed a few autographs afterwards before hitting the road.
The man is 100% heavy 100% metal, no question about it.
<fanboy off>
I'm still in pain and the brain is reverberating, bloody 'ell,
my eardrums will never be the same... and it was ALL WORTH IT.

:hotjump: TestAmenT :hotjump: hoping very much for another album in 2003.
Agreed, a fucking sick show...Testamen certainly tore it up. "The Preacher" was a nice surprise, and Eric's high-pitched shrieks were awesome. One dude in a Nevermore shirt requested Sins, but they couldn't remember how to do it. Chuck paused before Trial By Fire and yelled "I SMELL WEED!!" He is now my hero. :D

I attempted a stage dive during Over the Wall, egged on by Neckwrecker from the Overkill forum, but got caught by security...fuckers. Oh well, worth a shot. My friends and I also missed the meet & greet...too busy watching Testament and headbanging like mad. Oh well, suppose it was worth it. Maybe.

Saw Steve D. after Testament's setlist, but didn't get the chance to talk to him. Well, there WILL be more shows. I dunno if they'll be as badass as this one, though. Thanx to the boys for a kickass performance.
That show ruled!

And just so you know, I was the guy that screamed "SINS OF OMISSION!!!", to which Chuck acknowledged, and Eric started to play the intro. That was so cool.

Also, I tried to jump on stage halfway through Over the Wall, but was caught in mid air by a security guard, who later remarked to me "that was a good catch, eh?" Asshole. ;)
Excellent review as always DE! Eerie...into...Practice....damnit!!! Why isn't my vacation to SF this week....instead of the week of the 4th of July! I can visit family anytime....I'd rather see TESTAMENT live!!!!!
MindInsane said:
Excellent review as always DE! Eerie...into...Practice....damnit!!! Why isn't my vacation to SF this week....instead of the week of the 4th of July! I can visit family anytime....I'd rather see TESTAMENT live!!!!!

That would have been nice to have you, see a hometown Bay Area Gig! I would have enjoyed your company, & your extreme metal insight......Portland(& other cities) deserves more Testament than you've been getting....................see you somewhere, sometime..............:)......