Anyone remember the MOD/EXODUS Tour in '88, Great tour, great bands, anyone see that Tour at Perkins Palace, in Pasadena, Ca. or The Warfield in San Francisco, Ca.....2/28.....& ............2/27/88........?......................Well after making Zetro a copy of those shows I taped back then, I thought it would be cool, to list what the set list looked like those nights, & from that tour...............
Faith No More Into Tape of "We Care Alot"
Til Death Do Us Part
A Lesson In Violence
And Then There Were None
No Love
Faster Than You'll Ever Live To Be.......
Deliver Us To Evil
Pleasures Of The Flesh
That was a high energy set, they were running around(how can they still play at the same time?), jumping off the drum riser, with spinning moves in the air, & lots of smoke & killer lighting & fat sound, now that was a tour I'll never forget, Exodus in their very prime......................................

Faith No More Into Tape of "We Care Alot"
Til Death Do Us Part
A Lesson In Violence
And Then There Were None
No Love
Faster Than You'll Ever Live To Be.......
Deliver Us To Evil
Pleasures Of The Flesh
That was a high energy set, they were running around(how can they still play at the same time?), jumping off the drum riser, with spinning moves in the air, & lots of smoke & killer lighting & fat sound, now that was a tour I'll never forget, Exodus in their very prime......................................