Exodus - Shovel Headed Killing Machine

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Exodus - Shovel Headed Killing Machine
Nuclear Blast - 2005
By Adam McAuley


I was highly impressed by this album, even considering the excellent comeback Exodus made with Tempo of the Damned. That album was magnificent in its modernizing of the thrash sound to some extent and making exciting and epic songs for a new generation of thrash fans. This album sees them refining this sound and creating a more abrasive album with razor sharp songs within a similarly modernized context.

The production is superb and the songs have a distint bay area vibe despite maintaining the modern sound they're going for. Razor sharp riffs abound as well as the trademark catchy chorus' of the thrash genre. Shovel Headed Killing Machine is simply an extremely well-played and fun album to listen to and has that easy to pick up and listen to quality so typical of many of the classic thrash albums. Some well-placed intros add to the pristine quality to the album. Overall a very aggressive vibe is carried out through the length of the album making it a very exciting one and again one that has a distinct aura of wanting to be replayed. "Shudder to Think" is one of the better songs on the album with its hopeless vibe and interesting guitar harmonics.

The album has nary a weak moment and melds together to create simply a splendid album that needs to be listened to by anyone with even a slight interest in the genre. It's rocks from beginning to end and has endless replayability which is all that could be asked for in a thrash album. Whether it's the band's best is difficult to say, but you definately cannot go wrong with what's put on display here. And considering the lack of good thrash that comes around these days, it's impossible to pass it up.


Official Exodus Website
Official Nuclear Blast Website