Exodus-style Bass?


Oct 9, 2007
Hey guys,

I'm talking about the newer Exodus-records (say, Shovel Headed Kill Machine and newer). On those records, the bass is so uber-present, but it's still not overpowering. I also like, how clean the solo'ed track seems to be (check out the beginning: ).

Any chance, someone tried the same before? I could really need some input on that :D

Available stuff:
  • a terrible bass
  • and because I know, my bass sucks I borrowed a pretty decent Ibanez
  • because I'm not a good bass-player, I bought a copy of trilian for demo-purposes
  • Studio Devil Virtual Bass Amp Pro
  • if necessary, I can get my hands on Amplitube 3 + Ampeg SVX
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Jack Gibson is a really good player, using a 5 string Yamaha afaik most of the time,
he also played bass on Vile's "The New Age Of Chaos" and the bass is really tight
and transparent on that album, too.
I would use trillian with Ampeg SVX in your situation, because I think that sound has
alot to do with the bass, the strings and that he plays with his fingers and not with
a pick.
If you're not a good player and using a pick most of the time and just got a terrible
bass it's pretty hard to get such a sound imho.
check the collective question to mr sneap :)
there's a little info about exodus bass setup.
I'm also wondering how to achieve this kind of sound...
EMG hb + Sansamp + Great Player and that's it. I remember something Andy posted about Jack's tone, he said he used a multiband comp before going into the sansamp
Hmm... my bass-player has a sansamp, but I never got it to sound remotly like exodus. Maybe, I should try it again and re-amp something through it. Everything came out far too distorted and dirty.
Thanks so far, I'll try to get my hands on the sansamp-thingie...