Exodus Update from Gary


Nov 5, 2002
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taken from the Tales From The Pit board:

Gary Holt here, just want to clarify a couple of things. As far as Robbies bass tracks on the Exodus records he played on every album but Impact. Robbie was a fine bass player live, but in the studio he suffered a severe case of " stage fright" so to speak. He'd get very nervous in the studio and it was his call to have me play his tracks,a choice that would probably have been made for him in any event. That having been said, there's no question that Jack is by far and away the best bass player this band has ever had. When you hear the new album you'll know what I'm talking about. "Old School" does not always mean " best school". As far as the whole Century Media-Nuclear Blast thing,C.M. does not own N.B., they distribute for them in the U.S. They therefor are actually employed by N.B. and work for them. Crime... is not on the album because of issues of option rights for the next album and part of the deal reached between the two was to take the song of the record. And concerning some peoples opinion of Throwing Down based on seeing us perform it in the past, please don't judge it on that alone. The band were heavily in the grips of dope at that time and everything we did then sucked. Yes, the classics included. You were most likely not paying as much attention to the songs as the new ones. Everything we're doing now is one hundred percent for real! We are serious as a fuckin' heart attack! I will try to keep everyone updated on a regular bases. Keep thrashin', Gary

Oh yeah, one other thing, unfortunatly the release date stateside will be closer to the end of February. I will post the exact date when I get it. As for "Crime", it will get released sometime, I'm not sure where when or how. But Impaler came out fuckin' soooo killer, I'm actually super glad it's going on the record.
Bay Area Thrash Festival 2004, anyone?

I heard from someone associated with Dark Angel (like a girlfriend/manage) that they had gotten back together and are recording a cover of "Creeping Death" for an upcoming Metallica tribute. That'd be fucking sweet if they joined the BAT rush.
but Dark Angel are from LA, so how could you call it BA thrash then....?

and she's Eric's wife. and she says a lot of things...... me personally, I don't really have a lot of nice things to say about Eric or his wife (who's apparently now know as Jamie Jagger instead of Skye Ashton.... which doesn't make a lot of sense to me).
yeah, Gary says the US release date is now March 9th....

as for "Skye Ashton", yeah, it is her porno name..... she was on the Playboy channel doing softcore for awhile. no idea if she still is.....