So you all may have noticed I wasn't there this weekend...
Friday morning, I got up with the intent of taking a shower, puttering around on the internet for an hour or two, and then getting on the train to Venlo. Instead, I found myself in the hospital a few blocks away due to a severe nosebleed from my sinus. They just set me free today, and I'm back in my hostel in Dusseldorf. I was supposed to fly home tomorrow, but I am not permitted to fly until this weekend at the earliest.
I'm so upset that I missed the festival and seeing all of you.
Henk, when you see this, would you shoot me an email or a PM please? I had tried to send you a message on Friday but I don't think you ever got it.
Friday morning, I got up with the intent of taking a shower, puttering around on the internet for an hour or two, and then getting on the train to Venlo. Instead, I found myself in the hospital a few blocks away due to a severe nosebleed from my sinus. They just set me free today, and I'm back in my hostel in Dusseldorf. I was supposed to fly home tomorrow, but I am not permitted to fly until this weekend at the earliest.
I'm so upset that I missed the festival and seeing all of you.

Henk, when you see this, would you shoot me an email or a PM please? I had tried to send you a message on Friday but I don't think you ever got it.