

Jun 17, 2003
Apex, NC
So you all may have noticed I wasn't there this weekend...

Friday morning, I got up with the intent of taking a shower, puttering around on the internet for an hour or two, and then getting on the train to Venlo. Instead, I found myself in the hospital a few blocks away due to a severe nosebleed from my sinus. They just set me free today, and I'm back in my hostel in Dusseldorf. I was supposed to fly home tomorrow, but I am not permitted to fly until this weekend at the earliest.

I'm so upset that I missed the festival and seeing all of you. :(

Henk, when you see this, would you shoot me an email or a PM please? I had tried to send you a message on Friday but I don't think you ever got it.
Good to hear that you are OK. Sad that you missed the festival and that I didn't get the chance to meet you.
Well, see you next year I hope?

I don't know. I had planned to go to Australia next year, but I don't think I can afford that now after the cost of the hospital stay. (hopefully my insurance will reimburse me...!) And I do want to go to PPUSA next year too. I really wish Rene and Glenn would stage the festivals more than three weeks apart.

By next spring I should have a better idea if I can afford it.

I also need to whine at Tom and find out when they're coming back to the US - this is the second time in six months I've had to miss Evergrey for reasons beyond my control. I haven't seen them since just before Mikey left! :(
Good to hear you're alright now though. Hope we'll be able to welcome you in our midst next year! We'll be watching for a post from you next spring at the very least!
I'm glad you're okay now :( It was lonely in my 6-empty-bed room that I was meant to share with you *sniff*
and I hope your insurance pays you out too, i've never known any of my American friends to actually get payed out by their insurance companies -_- sigh...becaus I want you to come to Australia too!
Perth - Western Australia <--where the cool metal heads are!
Well, since I can't fly until Monday, I'm coming to Amsterdam for the next three days, so if any of you are in the area, let me know! I can't really do anything more strenuous than walk around and look at shiny things, or sit down and eat, but I figure that's good enough for most...
Well, since I can't fly until Monday, I'm coming to Amsterdam for the next three days, so if any of you are in the area, let me know! I can't really do anything more strenuous than walk around and look at shiny things, or sit down and eat, but I figure that's good enough for most...

Wanna grab a bite to eat on thursday? I'll see about dragging that aussie along too :P

I know a place that a friend and me took Ricard (the spaniard and newly converted Progpower fanatic) to with typical dutch food :)
I can do Thursday night, definitely. Let me ask the doctor in the morning about seeing any bands, though, because I don't know if loud thumpy music would be a good thing in my current condition. If it's okay with the doc,though, I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to go see Amorphis... (although I would not be opposed to other shows either.)

If either of you want to suggest a place to meet, I will be at the hostel in the Vondelpark; just let me know where.