Prepare for a shock!


Apr 19, 2005
Baarlo, The Netherlands

Our annual visitors should prepare for a shock this year!! Sjiwa started a new concept, 'Sjiwa's party house'. The basement has changed a bit, no more wall paintings!!

But...I have been there myself yesterday and I have to admit that the makeover is very positive. The basement has a much more modern look now, so it can be used for a lot of different events.

The new concept started yesterday, from now on every Friday means partytime in the basement. Next Friday, at ProgPower, there is a party in the basement called 'Girls on top, vrouwluuj veur nop!'. You can expect a lot of young people, between 16 and 20 years, probably many girls. So be prepared for this, it means already a huge disco after party on Friday :Smokin:

The rest of the weekend the basement is for 'us', than 'our' music will be played in the basement in between the performances of the bands. Only on Friday we have no influence on the music.

See you next week, be prepared!!

Jeez, that was a shock indeed, out of all the decorations possible, they picked THIS !!!!?????


damn, really don't wanna see the living room of the one who picked this style, heh.

Yeah, no more boobies :/. Well, on the walls at least. I shall see what I can do next year to fix it.
What about a wall of Flugal HIHIHI.

I had the best time thanks to all for the welcome and I will be back for sure.

Cheers Brad