Exporting click track in cubase

I'm assuming this question has been asked before? I tried searching but i couldn't find anything.
How do i do it?

@Guitargodgt: Does that export the audio of the click track or text format document of the tempo map?

@alexrookie: I Don't Think SX3 has that option, there's only an "Export Tempo Track"
Nevermind, i figured out a way. I just routed the Click(in mono) to another output on the card, back into the Desk then just recorded it in real time.
Dunno why i didn't think of that before :/
Instead of routing the click like you did. Here is what I does:

Draw a midi track in and set the snap quantize function to 1/4 notes. Drag out as many as you need.

Output that to the LM-7 or something similar (that makes drum noises)

Solo the midi track and do a mixdown importing it back into cubase. I can't remember but you might have to make sure that the midi track is in musical mode instead of time based mode so it will fallow the project tempo.

I just did this for the redneck remix thread.