extending screams

I'm by no means a professional vocalist but in my experience doing vocals and playing in bands with very skilled metal vocalists...it's all about proper technique. I find it harder for me to sustain a lower, more guttural scream than a higher one. I'm not talking about those wimpy and hollow screams that you hear in Zen of Screaming either. The force comes from the belly and the tone comes from the throat. Just like guitar, too much tone can sterilize your sound (and in a vocalists case, damage your throat). Try doing 'practice screams' to test your vocal endurance. Even though you're bypassing the tone from your throat, you're still seeing how long you can scream. Once again, not professional advice, but I've been doing it for 9 years and haven't had any problems!
Back in the day when I was obsessing about Cryptopsy "Open Face Surgery" where there is like a 28 second scream, I could go to about 20-22.

On the vocals I'm doing for Dizeaze with Gavin, I got a 15-16 second one going and on the new Torn Apart album I do a 14 second one. On a good day I guess my max is around 17-18 sec these days.

http://www.myspace.com/umetornapart on the song Craving Pale Flesh there is a short but sweet 12 second one at 3.14, which when we played it live I extended all the way to the end of the song.
Is it just me or is this forum turning into a bunch of teenage highschool girls bitching at each other?

To be honest I think the people that normally dig this sort of shit up are just shooting for some sort of moral high ground.

Disagreements happen, maybe you should accept that instead of wanting the Sneap forum to be some sort of idyllic internet paradise where we all nod our heads in unison, people are only human.
I admit that I lost my temper. Now that we have gone into a full page of reactions let's either let the thread die or get back on topic.
Apologies for the derailment Fragle.

Send the scream to a delay that is feeding a large hall reverb and it will extend the scream.
