Extension cab recommendations?


Jan 1, 2009
I've finally cobbled together enough loose change to upgrade from my 6505 combo's stock Sheffields, in all their fizzy, brittle glory. In the interest of flexibility and probably better sound, I'd rather run a separate cabinet into the amp instead of just swapping them out. So:

- Unless someone can get me in the vicinity of Sentenced's last couple of albums, I'm aiming for Jeff's tone on This Godless Endeavor. Obviously I'm not expecting to get anywhere near either choice, but I'm happy to use them as references for gear shopping.

- Right now, the plan is an Avatar 2x12 with V30s.

My questions are thus:

1. Are there any brands you'd recommend instead of Avatar?

2. Any other speaker choices you'd go with? Aside from V30s being the typical metal choice these days and a V30/75 combination sounding neat to some people and shitty to others, I'm something of a noob to speaker choices.

3. Given a 65w amp, is it worth considering a different size of cabinet? How would a 1x12 differ in terms of sound? Would a 4x12 be worth it at all (though I don't have the cash for one anyway)?

4. Any reasons I should just stick with replacing the speakers in the combo? I'm planning to unplug the internals if I've got an extension cab, so I wouldn't be splitting the power output.

Funny, I'm exactly the same situation :Spin:

I run my 5150 combo on an old 412 H&K cabinet (attax series) with 4 celestion G12-T75's. The combination is pretty sweet, but there's an everlasting debate on T75 vs V30 vs ... so that's just my personal opinion.

I'm actually tired of dragging the heavy combo and a heavy 412 cab to shows (and it doesn't look like I'll be getting a roady anytime soon :confused:).

My new plan is actually to do a speaker swap for the combo itself. Seems better than to drag a 212 extension cab, since the combo itself is built like a tank and I would expect speaker section of the combo to be as good as a separate cab (not taking into account the high end mesa boogie stuff etc. :D).

I just haven't figured out which two speakers to get. Right now, I'm tempted to go for the T75/V30 combination. On the other hand, I've heard good things about the G12-K100's, so I might get me 2 of those. That would avoid having to EQ two different speakers with one set of controls.

Hope this helps!
Get an Harley Benton with V30s. Its cheap and sounds good. Construction is actually multiplex also, no fiberboard or woodchipsplate or whatever its called.