
I'm still devided on it thou.


On the plus side: Daleck exterminating, levitating self destructing madness. Really enjoyable episode, and Christopher did a great job of showing The Doctor's fear and anger.

On the down side: a companionate Daleck. Talk about selling out. I'm surprised there wasn't a "Dalecks For World Peace" banner snuck in there somewhere. Seriously, who are they trying to kid? Dalecks just aren’t the same without the senseless need to kill everything. And as for "absorbing DNA though it's Metal exoskeleton... just no. Common guys. No.

I watched the Daleck documentary on BBC3 afterwards; they dropped some "o-so-unsubtle" hints about us seeing more of the Dalecks, and perhaps pointing towards the resurrection of Davros!

(We can only hope!)


Not wanting this to turn into a Doctor Who thread, (I fear it's already too late for that!) what do'you think of Eccleston quitting and the next Doctor lined up is some bloke from Casanova?
Tonberry said:
On the down side: a companionate Daleck. Talk about selling out. I'm surprised there wasn't a "Dalecks For World Peace" banner snuck in there somewhere. Seriously, who are they trying to kid? Dalecks just aren’t the same without the senseless need to kill everything. And as for "absorbing DNA though it's Metal exoskeleton... just no. Common guys. No.

Well, that's the thing...as soon as the Dalek realised it was becoming compassionate, it chose to kill itself. That's one of the reasons I loved Saturday's episode, they managed to bring a new twist to the Daleks without ruining them or changing them. They're always gonna be badass killing machines :cool:

I thought it was a very powerful and well-written episode. I loved it, and am wondering how the hell it's gonna be topped. Shouldn't be too bad though, I've been loving the series so far (the Slitheen were a bit gay but those eps weren't entirely terrible) and I'm a bit gutted that Eccleston is quitting after this series actually! What a shame!