The 'testing testing' thread is just a COVER !!!

We shall pull them to the south instead of marching to north...
So they can stuck in to mud with their ski troops...
And because they will be tired we can FINNISH (;) ) them off...

Your plan sounds good...
That's no problem for me with my might army...
My men are all thirsty for blood...
Well , I have some russian friends too...
They train polar bears like guard dogs...
Maybe we can use those polar bears to attack them in the front-line...
Then I will strike them like the hammer of God...:mad:
And you are damn right my dear friend ,we must finish it before winter...
psst btw do you trust that strange man called godisanath...?
He seems a know...ameteur...:rolleyes:
The traditional Hun-Finn friendship doesn't let me take the side of the allied Ottoman-Belgian "forces".
In the same time, the traditional Hun-Turk friendship doesn't allow me to take the side of the allied Finn-polar bear forces.
Needless to say, the traditional "we Huns kick your ass in football" relationship between my nation and the Belgian is a dark cloud on the sky of the Brain Damagers.

So I think I'll just recruit some banana-eater amazons in the jungle around 'ere and head our canoes to the North. It will be a great pleasure to see wild women cutting off Eclipse's dick - unless he obeys me, and makes it clear for Tcall: they godless relationship must end before Tcall's marriage!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:
I´m using my psy-powers to drain your energy at the moment...
Can´t you feel it?
The poké-powers are within us... The force is on our side!

Thou shall fall!