Extra A/D question


Jan 24, 2012
I hope this question makes sense.

I currently run a RME Fireface 800 which allows me to record 10 tracks at a time. I can easily use ten mics on my drum kit. I would like to add extra inputs just for my roland triggers to also record kick and snare. An M-Audio fast track pro is a standalone converter as well and appears to be my cheapest solution. I can connect it via Spdif The only problem is i generally record at 24 bit 48khz. (or higher) the Fast Track is only a 24 bit 44.1 standalone converter. Will this be an issue if im just recording triggers? Will it even work in the rate? What can i expect? Any info or help is greatly appreciated.
even the behringer is only 48khz, what will be the problems i would encounter? Thanks Jeff! The only reason im hung up the fast track is because i can literally get one for next to nothing.

Thanks Again!