Triggering Question


Jan 24, 2012
What are the advantages of triggering samples from drumagog or slate trigger off a trigger (roland, redshot or alike) instead of using the microphone. I see alot of people recording both? If blending with the original sound you would think that triggering off the mic would yield more accurate results. I'd be interested to see the advantages. The reason Im asking is because i use a fireface 800 which i can record 10 tracks at once. I find this to be enough for most kits i record, im debating adding additional a/d converter to track triggers. Is this necessary or will it give me an advantage? Thanks everyone, i hope this question makes sense.
Triggers have little to no bleed so are FAR easier to trigger from.

If triggering from the mic you will tend to get better phase coherency. Personally even if you plan to use the mic I still think it's worth having triggers on the kit to make editing easier.