Triggering very dynamic snare?


Jun 17, 2008
Whats the best way to trigger drums that are too dynamic, What i mean by dynamic is that for example the drummer hits very inconsistent especially when playing faster the hits of the snare are lower.

This usually makes the whole triggering progress difficult for me because the hits of the snare are sometimes to hard or sometimes to low and i was wondering whats my best option in being able to trigger the snare accurately?

Im using Slate's Trigger and its getting annoying when im triggering the snare and some hits are trigger correctly and some that are to low just dont even come out good because a soft sample is used for that hit.

How do you guys go about this problem? Manually set the hits to be equal? Clip the snare before the trigger vst?

Go through and manually raise the level of the soft hits. Not fun, but it's the best option.You may even need to recycle harder hits from other parts of the song, and place them where they need to be because, I've noticed, on very soft hits you lose the transient to the point that even raising the volume won't give you accurate detection.
i'd cheat by just gclipping the fuck out of it and manually cleaning out everything between hits

if no gclip...then normalize and do the same
Cool btw how can i normalize tracks in cubase 5?
EDIT: Never mind found out but will try this went i get home :)
Whats the best way to trigger drums that are too dynamic, What i mean by dynamic is that for example the drummer hits very inconsistent especially when playing faster the hits of the snare are lower.

How do you guys go about this problem? Manually set the hits to be equal? Clip the snare before the trigger vst?

If your talking about triggering blast beats sections. Try doing them separately from the louder back beat sections.

You have to set the threshold and gating differently to pick them up.

Edit the snare track into two tracks: Blast beat and back beat.
Process separately.
I only use MIDI and never trigger samples directly, maybe because I deal mostly with bad drummers.
Although it's a different situation, that may do for you too