extreme death/black-metal (Behemoth like) - Preampus Distortus, S2.0


Jun 6, 2007
Hi :)

I've just finished new song - extreme death/black metal in the vein of Behemoth / Melechesh :)
There are 4 guitar tracks (EC-1000 Deluxe -> Countryman Type 85 -> SC10 -> E-MU 1212M -> Preampus Distortus), unfortunately no bass yet. Drums are S2.0 (cymbals, toms) and various samples.

Here's the link:


What do you think about mix and the song itself? :) Please rate, dudes :headbang::worship:


PS. Sorry for sloppy playing ;) This song is about 5h of work including tracking and mixing ;)
The song - it's totally awesome man. Behemoth are one of my favourite bands and I write stuff in a similar vain. I love the verses with those arpeggios and tremelo picked notes, and the main riff is just TOTALLY awesome. It sounds very much like Behemoth but the other riffs in the song add a different element which is really nice.

Mix - I like the tone. I am a fan of these kind of tones and I think it fits the song nicely and has a nice amount of aggression. Maybe the guitars are a touch too loud, but not very much at all. I like the drums sound nice for the most part, but weak in some places, and overly programmed/digital sounding in some of the blast beats...mainly the snare sound I think.

Good stuff man. Keep it coming!
It sounds really good as a song and a mix too!!!! Can you share info about guitars (setting,eq,whatever)? I Haven't used Preampus yet,but I think I have to. What impulse did you use? As for the drums,yes it sounds kinda robotic in times, so play around with velocities a bit and it will be much better.
Thanks for kind words, dudes! Great you like it :)

I agree that drums are too much mechanical/digital. There aren't any velocity variations, I'll fix it later ;)

As for guitar chain I'll post screenshots as soon as I get home. It's my EC-1000 + Countryman Type 85 + Soundcraft Compact 10 preamp + E-MU 1212M + Preampus Distortus + C4 + EQ on guitar group (4 guitar tracks total). Screenshots will be posted :)
Yeah this sounds great! Now all you need is those multi-layered death grunts to nail the Behemoth sound perfectly! Although it would be cool to come up with a new twist for the vocals to make this stand out from the crowd even more...
Sounds really nice!

I do get a bit of hollow, phasy sound on the guitars through my headphones.. just a wee bit.
And i think you can turn up the cymbals, ride and hihats.