Extreme - III Sides To Every Story


Cobra Kai Never Dies
Apr 12, 2004
Brandon, FL USA
I just got through listening to this album and it still sounds as good as ever. This is one of those albums, to me, that mark a point in time where everything comes together for a band, and they make their defining album. The songwriting, performances, everything is top notch and everyone is on top of their game, on III Sides. This is Extreme at their best, imo.
TheWhisper said:
I just got through listening to this album and it still sounds as good as ever. This is one of those albums, to me, that mark a point in time where everything comes together for a band, and they make their defining album. The songwriting, performances, everything is top notch and everyone is on top of their game, on III Sides. This is Extreme at their best, imo.

Never heard it. Sounds like it would be good but I'm still traumatized from the whole VH3 thing.