- Oct 28, 2005
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- 0
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Extreme Metal Halifax Returns
Site: www.myspace.com/ExtremeMetalHalifax
Forum: http://Megaweb.X.AM
E-Mail: extrememetalhalifax@gmail.com
Station: www.CKDU.ca / 88.1 FM In HRM
Extreme Metal Halifax returns to the air tomorrow night Friday night/Saturday Morning from 2-7AM Atlantic Standard Time on CKDU 88.1FM in HRM, NS, Canada & also on www.ckdu.ca live online: HiFi: http://ckdu.dal.ca/ckdu-hi.pls, LoFi: http://ckdu.dal.ca/ckdu-lo.pls. You can also download an MP3 of the whole show, after it's over, or any show up to six months or so back in time, just see here:
That's in the EMH forum, where you can also find a schedule:
And a number of other threads for charts, playlists, soon to come...
Support your extreme metal and request here in the top thread:
I'm only posting this thread on other forums once to let people know it's back, everywhere that I am a member...
Please be sure to add Extreme Metal Halifax's MySpace above, to keep track, and/or bookmark Megaweb, where the official forum is...
For now, it's just irregular fillins, but you do not want to miss out on this barrage of extreme metal and other parts of the show will be most tantalizing...
Same allnighter format of 5+ hours of ripping extreme metal mayhem.
Same allstar & underground bands of cutting-edge & classic black, death, grind, thrash.
Same main regions of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Canada, Ireland, Scandinavia, the US, and the rest.
Same ton of ways to support extreme metal by requesting in a multitude of ways.
Same show that rewrote station records & stood colossal for metal.
Same smashingly mystically powerful experience worth saving and listening to again and again...
Thanks for your time, and for supporting extreme music...

Site: www.myspace.com/ExtremeMetalHalifax
Forum: http://Megaweb.X.AM
E-Mail: extrememetalhalifax@gmail.com
Station: www.CKDU.ca / 88.1 FM In HRM


Extreme Metal Halifax returns to the air tomorrow night Friday night/Saturday Morning from 2-7AM Atlantic Standard Time on CKDU 88.1FM in HRM, NS, Canada & also on www.ckdu.ca live online: HiFi: http://ckdu.dal.ca/ckdu-hi.pls, LoFi: http://ckdu.dal.ca/ckdu-lo.pls. You can also download an MP3 of the whole show, after it's over, or any show up to six months or so back in time, just see here:
That's in the EMH forum, where you can also find a schedule:
And a number of other threads for charts, playlists, soon to come...
Support your extreme metal and request here in the top thread:
I'm only posting this thread on other forums once to let people know it's back, everywhere that I am a member...
Please be sure to add Extreme Metal Halifax's MySpace above, to keep track, and/or bookmark Megaweb, where the official forum is...
For now, it's just irregular fillins, but you do not want to miss out on this barrage of extreme metal and other parts of the show will be most tantalizing...
Same allnighter format of 5+ hours of ripping extreme metal mayhem.
Same allstar & underground bands of cutting-edge & classic black, death, grind, thrash.
Same main regions of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Canada, Ireland, Scandinavia, the US, and the rest.
Same ton of ways to support extreme metal by requesting in a multitude of ways.
Same show that rewrote station records & stood colossal for metal.
Same smashingly mystically powerful experience worth saving and listening to again and again...
Thanks for your time, and for supporting extreme music...
