Extreme-Metal mix


Jul 30, 2008
Hello all!

I just spent the most stressing six months of my life with my bands (Gloria Morti) third album. Now we finally have one song uploaded to our myspace profile.
The song is the top one "Awakening of a Discordant Machine"

Sorry for the crappy myspace quality but I'm sure you can get the point.

The album was recorded, mixed and produced by me and mastered at Chartmakers by Svante Forsbäck.

...So tell me, was this worth the one hundred eight hour days? =)
Thanks man!

Do you mean that the sound is a bit too polished for this kind of music?
The album has a strong concept and I decided to try to give it a bit of a movie soundtrack feel.
Most of the stuff in this genre seem have a quite honest and down to earth sound, but in this case I think a bit more polished approach was the way to go.

Brutal. I dig the fuck out of the music.

The production sounds as good as Myspace will allow it to.
Nuno Filipe: I write the songs and play guitar so that might affect the balance a bit =)
I had a feeling at the very end of the session that the guitars were too low in the mix...
Good that I didn't bring them up even more.

But cheers for the feedback, really appreciated.