Eyes Of A Traitor sign to Listenable Records - and I'm down to do the album!

So I did an EP for a band last summer and since that they got signed to a good UK label. Almost a year on, and Listenable have picked them up and I'm down to do the full length in the summer :)

Check out their myspace, they must be one of the youngest (if not the youngest) bands on the label, but have worked their socks off gigging and promoting themselves. Got some awesome guitar playing in here too. There is a demo for the album that has been uploaded tonight, I tracked the bass, vocals and some leads for it and also mixed it. Would have liked to have retracked guitars as the DI's I was sent lacked attack and sounded a bit muffled, also there were some parts missing in some of the tracks so I comped the 4 guitar tracks into 2. You can hear the guitars sounding a bit funky in a couple of places - anyway we were willing to let it slide as its just a demo and there was a rush to get this out. Wish me luck for the summer (going to be a tough time working on this :loco:)

Eyes Of A Traitor Myspace