How do you guys make the hihat from the dfh expansion to sound decent?
Honestly the ROCK/POP library for EZD (IMHO) is way better than the DFH expansion. The DFH library is so thin in comparison...nothing but slap, no body to anything whatsoever. The cymbals though, like Exo said, are the best part about that expansion. I quite frequently will use the R/P kit for the actual drums and hats, and then use DFH for all of the cymbal work. Turns out a lot better. Plus the DFH expansion has a TON more cymbals to choose and use.
All that said, I typically end up replacing the drums with samples later on, the snare usually 50%, kick 100%, and toms 70%. Or sometimes I get pretty brave and bounce the drums to their own tracks and treat them like recorded ones. Gotta try everything
So, if you use multiple instances of ezd, how do you trigger them?
do you copy the miditrack?
You add a second VSTi for it. But be careful, as you can create a project that you can't open anymore, especially in Cubase. One instance of Ezdrummer takes about 700 MB, so with two you have 1400 MB going just for Ezdrummer.
So, if you use multiple instances of ezd, how do you trigger them?
do you copy the miditrack?
Yep. I copy the MIDI data to a new track and assign it whichever instance of EZD I want to use. If I'm being uber-anal, I'll have seperate MIDI tracks for kick, snare, left rack tom, right rack tom, etc. I'll break up the drums into seperate MIDI tracks like that before exporting to .wav, just to make sure nothing stupid happens, like getting tom hits in my hat track or something.
Those figures didn't seem right to me, so I created a new session in Cubase, and two instances of EZDrummer to go along with it, one with the Rock/Pop library, the other with the DKFH expansion, and they're only using 512 MB total with both fully loaded. What's up with your system that yours are using up so much memory? Is is a Mac/PC thing? (I'm on a dual 2Ghz G5 with 2.5GB of RAM, for whatever that's worth...)
Well, I guess it depends on which parts you use for the kit. I think I had the following:
GMS2 Plastic
GMS Piccolo 13"
12"/14"/16" toms
16" Zildjian hihat
19" Sabian Medium thin crash 1
16" Sabian Ozone crash 2
22" Sabian handhammered ride
I just loaded up that exact kit on mine, and it's telling me I'm only using 254 MB...
Oh, you're just counting what Ezdrummer by itself uses, while I talked about how much the DAW uses while Ezdrummer is loaded Then there's of course all the necessary plugins for EZD etc in the DAW to count along
you can load two instances and disaple anything that you don't need in the second one so it won't take up so much space. click on the little arrow under each drum/cymbal in the ezd main window and select "none".
well, these are the tricks you learn if you have a really shitty computer! you should be glad that you had no need for them earlier!