EZDrummer, Podxt

sounds good dude, my band are currently using a PodXT and EZDrummer to record the rough tracks for our album. We're now running an ENGL Powerball through the PodXT... dunno if you're supposed to do that but it sounds friggin sweet!
sounds good dude, my band are currently using a PodXT and EZDrummer to record the rough tracks for our album. We're now running an ENGL Powerball through the PodXT... dunno if you're supposed to do that but it sounds friggin sweet!

Is your band Scar Symmetry?
Not really liking the palm mutes. They don't have the balls that I would look for in my palm mutes.

Not much to say about drums. They aren't really noteworthy. Seems to me you were aiming for comments on the guitars anyways. It's hard to say what they are lacking. My best guess would be some lows to give the palm mutes punch.