EZdrummer sample question!


Dec 19, 2006
Santiago de Compostela
Hello!! Anyone know how can I use the andy sneap samples (in wav) with the EZdrummer of toontrack. It is possible? If I can´t use it can I use qith the DFH Superor?

Thanks in advance and best regards
+1 for aptrigga. Bought it a couple of weeks ago and gotta say it's performed a lot better than Drumagog for me. Especially since I'm based on a PowerBook, not a tower, the added bonus that it's more resource efficient is just icing on the cake for me.

Only being able to use 9 samples per instance...wow, that's not enough for some people? Blend the original snare in and 4 is plenty. Before I could only run Drumagog on the kick and snare...I can run an instance of aptrigga on the kick, snare, and all 5 toms of a kit with the same sample sets and no problems. The triggering is tighter too, better response, IMO, and works just as well as Drumagog. Only thing I miss about Drumagog is the GOG files, although you can save "patches" with aptrigga that recall with no problems (for me so far).

Sorry to go kind of OT here, but has anyone got Andy's samples pre edited that I can use in APTrigga? I have the gog's, but obviously they're no use in APTrigga. Or should I just edit the wav's myself? :lol: