Trouble with EZDrummer and FL Studios


Apr 18, 2008
Hello. So, I use FL Studios 7 Demo and I have the EZDrummer loaded into it. I can easily use EZdrummer. Load up the midi files, play back the songs. But I have NO way to bounce them out. No bounce, no saving of the drums. All I want is to bounce the EZDrumer out. The only way I know how is to play them and soundcard record them through Adobe Audition.

Any help?
set up your playback to song first off and not to the pattern you are on.... and make sure your playlist is correct........hit control r ...demo wont let you save you can export still
set up your playback to song first off and not to the pattern you are on.... and make sure your playlist is correct........hit control r ...demo wont let you save you can export still

Hmm ok. Yeah I know the FL demo wont let me save, I used to do all my piano and drums in that program (by loading multi-samples and doing it all by hand) and then exporting loops. However, I have no idea how to do what your saying. I've never learned about playlisting or patterns. I've always created loops and export it by hand then create the next loop etc etc. It's the hard way to do all this but yeah. I just wanta figure out how to bounce my EZDrummer track.