

Jan 22, 2010
After reading some pretty possitive posts about ezdrummer and the Metal Machine EZX I decided to buy them both. I have a question about installs & authorizations that maybe you guys that own it could answer for me as I couldn't fine anything about this on the support forums.

My original intention was to reformat my pc before I recieved my new software and a new audio interface I ordered. Since my software has arrived before I had the chance to reformat I decided to install ezdrummer so I could give it a spin. I've registered and authorized both softwares but my question is if I reformat should I "deauthorize" the software before reformatting and reinstalling? I noticed on Toontracks site that it tracks computer id, descritption, and # of authorizations. Does deathourizing allow you to do an unlimited number of installs on the same pc or is there a limit? I would be pretty dissapointed if I reformated a few times over the next couple of years and find out that I can't use my software any longer.

Also, I found ezdrummer and MM ezx for $79 bundled through audio deluxe. The price keeps going up and down so if anyones interested I thought it was a great deal.


I once reformated my computer with SD2 installed and was able to use the same authorization that I had before. I would assume that ezdrummer is the same way.
Cool, thx. I was hoping it wouldn't pull a Microsoft move and say the number activations has been exceeded after a few reformats.

Best bet would be to talk to support, but I'd assume that each authorization is linked to your computer ID. So you should be able to reauthorize on the same pc as many times as you need to.
I guess I don't know how they generate a computer id because I have 2 completely different computer id's listed for ezdrummer and metal machine. I'll look for an email link for support.

Support is great (and fast) about helping. I had used up all my authorizations due to having to reformat a couple of times, and they wiped all my old authorizations off and started me off fresh with no issues or hassles. Great group of people.
I finaly found where to email support. I must have been blind lol.. anyway quick response, they seem really cool. Here's what they wrote back:

"Hi Scott,

You will not be banned from using your software by any means.

Yes, please remove the authorization that you created for the current state of the machine once you reformat. The reformat will require a new installation and authorization. Once you remove the authorization for the "old" machine, notify us so we can reset your authorization count.

Toontrack allows 2 active authorizations at one time with 4 total authorizations. This means that you can have 2 computers authorized to use your Toontrack product concurrently (however not in use at the same time). If you decide that you want to change the computers that are actively authorized you can simply remove their authorization in your Toontrack account and add another one.

For example if you have 2 computers actively authorized to use your software and you would like to add a 3rd one, you would remove one of the currently active authorizations from your Toontrack.com account and then add an additional active authorization. In this example your active authorizations would be 2 of 2 and your Total authorizations would be 3 of 4.

While Toontrack can never add active authorizations to your account we can reset your total authorizations if you end up needing more than 4."