Fade to Black- Help or Hinder

I knew a girl that wanted to down a bunch of pills and drift away to her death while playing "Fade to Black" She was also affected by the lyrics to S.O.D.'s "Kill Yourself". Luckily this chick never went through with her threats. She was a VERY disturbed person and had a lot of issues to begin with. So if it wasn't those songs, something else would have triggered those thoughts. Romeo & Juliet anyone?

It's such a double standard in this country. Music & enertainment is always blamed. I don't mean to offend you religious types out there but many suicides and acts of murder have been inspired by the bible and other faiths. People who do twisted stuff because"God told them to" are dismissed as crazy but if Heavy Metal music is involved, it gets blamed as the reason and they want to ban it and keep people from listening to it for their own safety.
How about the countless amount of suicides caused by Judas Priest deceptively sneaking in "DO IT!" in their records when played backwards? Have they ever been held accountable?


1 person in 30 years 'heard' it. Yeah, he was totally sane it - was only the music.

And Johan, please don't take this dude seriously. The regulars here know his schtick and weren't commenting because they know he's just joking around.
What do you mean? I was serious about everything I wrote here except for 1 small Judas Priest comment just to see if anyone was paying attention. Everything else is serious. What the hell are you talking about? Pretty much what Danny said. It actually does happen where Fade to Black is used as part of a suicide, the question is would it actually cause it as in the final straw or would the guy kill himself anyway. I am seriously discussing this. Read what Danny wrote, he even knows a chick that did exactly what I was talking about.

Johann, usually if any post isn't, "Iron Maidens are so hot. You girls are sooo sexy. OMG I so wanna marry you! You guys rocked so hard. I love The Trooper. Can you tell me the exact model of your amp and what size is your guitar chord and every single detail about your gear?". then most people here don't really ave much to add. Johann and Danny, thanks for a good discussion.