Faith No More tribute - work in progress...


Dopefish lives!
Jul 18, 2006
Hey guys,

I recently started a new band with a few buddies. A rock band with a punkish edge.

To familiarize with each others playing, we thought it would be a good idea to start out with a cover so we started jamming Faith No More's "Digging The Grave".

Liked it and got the idea to record it.

Well, anyway, last night I recorded scratch guitars for bass and vocal tracking this weekend (hopefully). So this rough test mix misses obviously the low-end of the bass and the vocals. But I'd like to get some opinions in this early state anyway...

So what you guys think?

It's a bit untight here and there because it's only been one take for each side without any drop-ins whatsoever.

It's also in Eb instead of E and I play the chorus slightly different to the recorded version. But it's not intended to be a 1:1 cover, neither tone-wise nor playing wise.

The tones are quite unusual for this forum anyway. But it's rock! It's menat to be dirty, sluggish... at least that's my philosophy. ;)
great song to cover, love king for a day..., In terms of the sound id say it sounds pretty good it just needs more guitar, and a bass.....and a mike patton.
Working on it... the Mike Patton part might be a bit tricky haha. :lol:

What a way to break in your singer, make him sing Patton! :D
Yeah, the doubler, that was a brief moment of complete insanity. :lol: It sounded neat on one part of the pre-chorus so I applied it to the other too... but it is already doubled so it sounds weird and phasey now.

I was in experimentation mode I guess... there's also a TS on the vocal track that's lower in the mix