power metal... work in progress

Calippo Tecks

Feb 6, 2005
The band is currently tracking (DI's and roland V-Drums).
It's damn hard to mix this genre in my opinion, I'm really struggling myself through this to make it sound decent.
This is a preview of a song that's tracked already:

Also the beginning of the song, that's how they play it live, but I guess I'll have to play around with some delay or fade in's and stuff to get those silent pieces filled up.

rhythm guitar player played left and right, I centered the singers guitar playing since he's not tight enough for a record.

This is going to be my first paid record, I hope it sounds 'okay' until now but it should be getting much better.
Sounds alright man... guitars are nice and full, drum snare sounds nasty (not mix just the tone of it.. but that's all personal opinion). Vocals could come down a touch.. other than that an I'd be happy with that.. I mean what level is that supposed to be at? Because that sounds semi pro man. It's sounds really really good.. just lacking some of that "magic" which the gods of mixing seems to know hahaha
Well, thanks!
I have other drums as well, which are a bit better, but this whole guitars reamped and such brought the drums this way today. That's the good thing about saving different takes sometimes ;-) .
Hard thing about the snare is that the drummer wants it to sound with some nice 'wood' sounding mids.
This is one of my previous drummixes, I did some holy diver for soundcheck:

Gonna show my stuff to the drummer in an hour or two, let's see what he says.