fake oddity from lyon, france

Nevermind, Antoine, I read one of your posts on the Anathema board thinking it was Sid's, hehe, you two are already one for me :D
Maqus said:
Nevermind, Antoine, I read one of your posts on the Anathema board thinking it was Sid's, hehe, you two are already one for me :D
You really think we are the same person???*
Hum, i'm really French and she's really Belgian, i'm Antoine and she's Elisabeth, so be sure we are not clones:tickled:
breaklose said:
i was in guillotière earlier this week. dunno if im going back that soon, im pennyless and i dont see it improving that soon either.
Hum, Guillotière's the perfect place to earn money though ah ah!
You can sell weed, cigarettes, DVD's, and other stuff.
Give a sign when you're back in Lyons, i would be pleased to meet you!
I'm going to Paris in a few days, but i guess i won't have any time to visit people i know:erk:
breaklose said:
i dunno what you guys put in your weed there but it did us right in.
Well, i can't tell you since i don't smoke weed anymore (i stopped at the age of 17, a long time to remember), but i guess there's almost everything you want inside:tickled:
breaklose said:
hehe the guy wanted to take us under the bridge just to hand us the hash, and when we refused he said 'you shouldnt be that suspicious, you know some people might find that disrespectful' haha.
Ah ah i love that kind of diplomatic speech
It's like " don't be afraid, i just wanna take your money and leave and let my friends beat you to death, and you don't wanna come???"
Ah ah they're so funny.
Don't you think people are strange there?They look at you in a suspicious (right) and aggressive way. How many times i was about to fight because some bastards were aggressively gazing at me...They went too far the fuckers, it's not like i owe them money, this is different.o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O
I often come to Paris, i like this town.
I'm coming on the 29th, i'm spending new year's eve there.
But well Lyons is also fuckin' smaller than Paris, that's the reason why it seems so relax.
But people are always upset, angry.
dunno, the few times ive been in lyon, it seemed much cooler, people seemed a bit on the country side. i like the fact that its smaller too, like you can actually walk from one area to the other, everything is within walking range.
breaklose said:
dunno, the few times ive been in lyon, it seemed much cooler, people seemed a bit on the country side. i like the fact that its smaller too, like you can actually walk from one area to the other, everything is within walking range.
Yep you're right, you can cross the whole town center easily by feet.
But well, if i lived in Paris i would probably have sth to say about it, but i live in Lyons and that's pretty boring, her's the point.
But i'm impatient to come to Paris to visit the discount music stores
breaklose said:
do you know the one near jussieu, called (ehem) "jussieu music"? and theres that other one called "parallèles" near chatelet.
i think that in Jussieu there is this music store called "Dysphorie", which is more into black metal, but no i dunno it.
Is Parallèles also selling books?I think i've ever heard of it.
breaklose said:
dysphorie is shit, jussieu music is right in front of it and its much better, more diverse and cheaper. parallèles sells books too.
Ok so i'll try this store, because Dysphorie's just about black metal, and i don't listen exclusively to black metal, for my own sanity's sake!!!