Fall NA Tour - No Toronto Date?!


New Metal Member
Dec 4, 2006
so mike says they're coming back to Toronto in september/october and then they gay us by going to london instead. they did this before, too, a couple tour cycles ago. what a total piss off.
when he says 'theyre coming back' , he means to North America, not every single exact same city as the past tour. It'd be pointless to keep playing the same markets, notice theyre playing differnet cities than the Prog Nation TOur with the exception of a few big cities, NY, LA, etc
"Yeah... the realization that things don't always work out the way you thought they were going to work out must be crushing."

I have cried many tears over these events. many.
"I think your sarcasm detector is broken."

that made it quite clear that yours is, my e-friend :)
That's right, no Toronto date, no Montreal date. Guess where they will be. . . Saskatoon! Bwahaha! Normally it's us prairie folk who get the shaft, but this will be Opeth's third time here in three years. They get a ridiculously good reception here though.
I'm a little mad that they are not hitting up Montreal on this tour, but I know it's not the bands fault. I can't complain though, because I was fortunate enough to see them in Montreal on an off-date headlining show on the Progressive Nation Tour. It just doesn't make sense to hit Quebec City, then pass through 3 major Canadian cities.....Montreal, Ottawa, then Toronto, to play in a small city like London. I don't get what the promoters or tour makers or whoever the fuck books these shows is thinking.