Fall of Empyrean news!

Some pretty exciting news for those of you who care and haven't heard ...

Fall of Empyrean will (tentatively) be entering the studio in February to record our debut full-length cd, called "A Darkness Remembered." The tracklisting will be as follows:

1) The Fading Light (C. Félix)
2) Slowly Dying Inside (J. Burning, C. Félix)
3) No Hope Before Me (J. Burning)
4) Into Emptiness I Fall (C. Félix, J. Burning)
5) Failure (J. Burning)
6) Fallen Ways of God (J. Burning)
7) A Mourner's Tears (C. Félix, J. Burning)
8) In the Shadows of the Sun (J. Burning)

The album will run over an hour (probably closer to 70 minutes). This should be a behemoth of an album, a huge improvement over "Anhedonia." The songs are more diverse, with quite a few different elements thrown in, but still DOOM. Our new guitarist (well, he joined in December of 2002, but still), Cristobal Félix, has been a great addition to the band, especially in the songwriting department. His riffing style has been a nice accent. Kevin Leeds (panteraaddict101 from this board) will be providing keyboards (also a relatively new addition to the band), and the stuff he has composed so far is great, too. We feel we have a very strong line-up at the moment and I think it will show on the album, when it's released.

Unfortunately, this release date may not occur until as late as the summer of 2004, because we are going to shop around the mastered version to various labels and see if we can get a wide release of it.

In other FoE-related news:

1) We have a re-release of both our self-titled demo and "Anhedonia" on the same cd, coming in the next couple of months, since both of the demo cds are nearly sold-out

2) We should have more shirts and other merchandise, as well, just not sure when

3) It is possible that we will play an album preview show, maybe in December, but most likely in January, so you guys can hear some of the new stuff. If you were at our last show, you got to hear "Slowly Dying Inside" and "A Mourner's Tears."

I think that's it.

- Justin, Fall of Empyrean
Hey, how bout this time y'all throw down a couple extra bucks and get the pro printed cds that play in any cd player since the shitty cd player at work won't play either of your first two albums.....And I just gotta be able to play that shit at work, so how bout it?
Alright I'll stop bugging you, and I am sure your new shit is gonna be as heartfelt as ever (which is in my opinion the key to your sound)
and I'll probably listen to it every chance I get.
hey, how bout throwin me a copy at a show sometime........?
There I go always just asking for more shit, ok, now I'll really leave you alone...
herjesus said:
Hey, how bout this time y'all throw down a couple extra bucks and get the pro printed cds that play in any cd player since the shitty cd player at work won't play either of your first two albums

hey, how bout throwin me a copy at a show sometime........?
Wanna make a trade of albums? You get our new one and we get your new one.

And I'm not sure about the new album we are recording, but I know that the compilation album of our demo's will be real copies that will work in every cd player.
Well, we find it's VERY necessary to have recordings. Especially professionally done ones. Since metal is mostly a European phenomenon (unless you play death metal), our only way to get exposure over there is to have recordings we can distribute. We have succumbed to the fact that no more than a handful of people will like us in Arizona, so playing a lot of shows is pointless. All the band members have jobs, or a way of getting money (and we're very enthusiastic about our music), so we're willing to spend the cash necessary to make our recordings as top notch as they can be. We don't like waiting around for a label to get off their ass to sign us, and since "Anhedonia" didn't really get any label attention, nor was it a good representation of how awesome I feel our music is now, so we decided to record. We were tired of recording demos and didn't want to keep doing that, so we're doing a full length. Plus, we write pretty quickly.
yeah, every other 2 weeks you or chris have a new song. For Kilk I get those creativity spirts for a day or two and never finish the freakin songs... I got this kick ass instrumental for 6:35 in 3 days and now I am stuck...
seriously looking forward to the new release. I do like the first 2 songs off of Anhedonia. they went over well when I made a comp of Vehemence, Agalloch, and you guys. it was much enjoyed by my german friends along with others I know from here and far.