Fall Out Boy at Live Earth


Feb 7, 2002
DC area
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The guitarist was using one of Scott Ian's Washburns that he dosed with blood. Did anybody else notice that?

By the way, Fall out Boy sucks the dried diarreah off my taint and back of my nutsack. I recall the bass player telling the crowd "there are alot of great bands playing today, we'll be out of your way soon". Goes to show how much faith and confidence they have in their set. At least they know they suck.
I recall the bass player telling the crowd "there are alot of great bands playing today, we'll be out of your way soon". Goes to show how much faith and confidence they have in their set. At least they know they suck.

Alot of these new bands seem to go down like a sack of shite, is it because they jump around like loonies in their videos but can't cut it live. And also they are crap
F.O.B. was just awfull.:erk: ....as i suspected they would be.

there is the perfect example of a band that isnt very good , but with a major lables budget the right marketing , the best recording editing software , audio engineers , producers money can buy...anyone can make it. ... (to number one with a bullet....:rolleyes: )

when that song went on at the end with the same verse for like what seemed to be an eternity.:hypno: ...i wanted to stab the "singer" in the eye with a freaking pencil.

"i ghowin dah dahn wit da poody aroun, n surly yoo bcuminroun swingen(gasps for air ).
ibe anumbawon wid abewwet,(gasp),lodagun pewibacokitapewit":Puke: or whateva the fuck he is sayin.

And was it my eyes or did i see some punks "moshing " to that?.:zombie:
.i hope i was just halucinating from the visual and audible disaster that waz FOB?

all i know is that they shouldve atleast had a back up band or a c.d. play along at live earth.
sorry if i offended anyone who may like FOB, im not even going to go into "why" i dont.:Saint:

now i need a joint and some fukin METAL to cleanse my mind of the memory i was forced to reliv in this thread...:Smokin:
You guys are retarded. Fall Out Boy is awesome. They are melodic, and they have skill. They are in the "New Wave of American Heavy Metal" category. I love them, and Pete Wentz is a PHENOMINAL bass player.
You guys are retarded. Fall Out Boy is awesome. They are melodic, and they have skill. They are in the "New Wave of American Heavy Metal" category. I love them, and Pete Wentz is a PHENOMINAL bass player.

The diarreah thing was funny, but this is just a whole new level of hilarity.
You guys are retarded. Fall Out Boy is awesome. They are melodic, and they have skill. They are in the "New Wave of American Heavy Metal" category. I love them, and Pete Wentz is a PHENOMINAL bass player.

is there another band named Fall Out Boy that i dont kno of because if there is and they are "New Wave of American Heavy Metal" id like to kno
but im sure that theres not and not to offend you but FOB are not metal in any way shape or form
is there another band named Fall Out Boy that i dont kno of because if there is and they are "New Wave of American Heavy Metal" id like to kno
but im sure that theres not and not to offend you but FOB are not metal in any way shape or form

Yeah, I know. I was just joking. Saw it as an avid oppurtunity to make everyone thing "What did he just say?" :lol: But yeah, FOB sux giant cox