Well, if he's not on cocaine, then there's no excuse for this

his facial expression and the look in his eyes the whole time is like "AMG, I'm so numb! Where the fuck am I and what am I doing?"
1) The look of "I just did a killer line of blow and I'm ready to get crazy"
2) Now the coke's kicking in, and he's slowly getting numbed, and thinks to himself "Oh man, I did too much coca.."
3) "AMG! I'M SO NUMB MY JAW'S GONE! LEMME SEE IF IT'S STILL THERE--wait, yeh it is... I'm so fried"
4) " I'm entirely too fucked! Who are these people? I'm about to lose consciousness"
5) "I'm slowly slipping into a coma... call the paramedics... I think I O.D.ed"
6) This is the look of sheer concentration, the "I'm so high, nothing can stop me and whatever my mind is focused on is the most important thing in the universe, everything so captivating... where am I though"
7) This is the "Who the fuck is this guy banging and shit, it's killing my head... if he looks at me again, I'm gonna go over there and rip his fucking head off" look
There's a breakdown of the video. Also, I didn't screen-shot before he was gonna yell or anything to make him look dumb. He actually makes all these faces on his own, sadly
(BTW, in that vid at the end, the scream from 2:10 -2:26 sounds like Dino from the Flintstones getting raped

Listen and you'll hear it too
