fantomas signing


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
I am going to meet Lombardo ... yayayayayayayayay !!!!!!

Tuesday at 3pm they are doing a signing session at Virgin Mega in NYC ... I am fucking going with my Slayer discs and will pick up the latest Fantomas ...

Should I attempt to bow or make out with him? :loco: :tickled:
He is like my fucking hero that dude :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
Hey what did you refer to that one Fantomas album as while drunk? Hudda? WTF does that mean anyhow? I always assumed poop. :tickled:

Do me a favor and lick King Buzzo's scrote for me, would ya? Thanks.
heheheh ... I am not fan of this band for sure ... just want to meet Dave.

yeah, hudda is a word me and my ex boss made up that is kinda used for anything that is crap or shit .... useless stuff.

Hudda = pronounced like hram :lol:
You know Lombardo is playing drums on the new APOCALYPTICA....I'm telling you, this album is freaky and very cool. Just cellos and violins etc (with the rhythm riffs blasting through overdrive - you won't believe it's cello work), all instrumental, and Lombardo just pounding away. He really brings the songs to life. I'll be reviewing it soon.
just got back ... awesome :kickass:
was only about 50 before me on line so I got in and out in like 15 minutes.
got the new Fantomas signed by the whole band minus one member ... I think the geeky looking dude, not sure who he was ... I was busy beign in awe of Lombardo ... hehehe ... the fucker did not want to take pics with fans though.

I have some from the event though ... will upload

PS ... oh yeah, he also signed my Reign in Blood CD ... I was giggling like a girl.
not like you give a shit, but here is a pic ... :loco:
BTW, the limited edition of the new disc has some of the most elaborate artwork I have ever seen.

i think that's BUzz OSbourne from the Melvins if I am not mistaken ... NAD could confirm ... !!?!!
KING BUZZO!!! :kickass:

That dude is as important to stoner as Tony Iommi in a lot of ways. Next to him is Patton, then Trevor Dunn (UNRULY), and of course Lombardo.

So how is the new album? :D :D :D
the new album is fucking insane ... I really don't get this band ... really.
I know it's all fun and experimental, but I am thinking about tonight's show here in the city and cannot fathom what and how they possibly play this live.
JayKeeley said:
Holy crap - that Chinese dude with the green earing is Harold from "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle"!!!

hehe ... looks like him but it's not.
are you saying all asians look alike? :loco:
that guy even won tickets from WSOU to tonights show ...

anyway a qoute from Trevor Dunn re: the new disc

This one was recorded in the same session as Delerium.
In fact, Dave, Buzz and I weren't even sure what piece was going on what record. Well, some of them were obvious. However, I would link this more to our first record. It's also 30 short, cut-n-paste style "songs". The theme here is kids, cartoons and celebration! One love. Kill whitey.
Mr. UPS Guy just delivered this, initial comments:

Very nifty calendar with Japanese cartoon shitz, Ayeka should get this just for the packaging alone. :tickled:

Music is weird, but that's a big DUH being Fantômas and all. This will take some time to absorb, but not like Delìrivm Còrdia did methinks. So far so good, only 48,962 more listens until I understand half of it...
i am actually digging this one in a weird way ... not soemthing to listen to casually ... but there are some weird vibes there.

question ...

I know that Patton is the "brains" behind this band, but him being a singer and all, what is his role live? ... being that there is no vocals
Never seen them live, but I know he does a lot of keyboard and sound effects work. I would imagine that is what he does on stage. Wait, you said there are no vocals?! Dude yes there are, you probably think they are weird sound effects, haha.

I started writing a review, I think it's going to turn out sorta nifty. :cool: