FAO Mika and Vikingess!!!

Haha If I could provide funding I may well have bought my own ticket...as I haven't you're on your own!
I'm still looking for Kossu....I'm kinda hyper about going to look down upon OMGAlexi on sunday :D
Mika, you need to buy your ticket already, I will not have you backing out at any point, what will happen to the tent banter if you're not there!!!!!!!

Also you're second sentance confused the hell out of me

I'm off to see bodom with Camp Maddie in Norwich, I may fangirl just for lulz :d
fangirling is the most annoying thing I ever witnessed.

so please, don't. It's not who (or what) you are, and it's most certainly not 'lulz' for all the poor music-loving guys standing around you. =P

and Alexi is downright tiny. I imagine him shopping in the children's department...
fangirling is the most annoying thing I ever witnessed.

so please, don't. It's not who (or what) you are, and it's most certainly not 'lulz' for all the poor music-loving guys standing around you. =P

and Alexi is downright tiny. I imagine him shopping in the children's department...

believe me, you'd find it amusing watching Mika being a fangirl, ultimate pisstake!

But yes, when girls do it for real it makes me want to hit them. Once had two behind me at a firewind gig who were doing everything just to touch the band, they were literally screaming in my ear and grabbing hold of Gus's trousers, it was absolutely pathetic!
Andreas, I don't plan on doing it anywhere near the band, only to the sheer amount of fangirlies in the queue, plus as far as I know, I'm one of three girls going and the guys sing disney songs....our mentality isn't to offend only to piss off the squealers

Haven't you ever played spot the bodom fan? Its most amusing :P

Haha I know and I'm 5'11 hence the looking down factor :)

I'm pissed I can't see Fiiiiirrrrrewind, I don't even give a **** about failstorm, I'd only go to sing Wolves of the Sea!
haha I know what you mean.

I was off to see In Flames (hoping they'd play some old stuff), opening acts were Sonic Syndicate and Gojira.

There was a guy (and 2 emoish girls) behind me, looking like this:

(for all Dutchies here, Spike from Di-Rect. the ultimate retard of dutch "rock" music.) The guy only wore make-up, had a piercing in his lip and was stoned as a shrimp.

And he tried to kick me in the balls from behind (! ultra-lame and mean) for not moving out of his way so he could drool all over Sonic Syndicate. I grabbed his leg and he fell over.
SS preformed lamely (is that a word?) and after they had played their 6 or 7 songs, those retards behind me said something like: "oh, that was it? let's go home now..."

EPIC FAIL. and that was a guy. so it's not just girls...
speaking of Bodom...

I was in the train to uni a few days back, and a 16 y.o. dude was sitting in front of me, listening to AYDY? on his mp3 player. So I asked him what he liked about Bodom etc. He said they were his favourite band and that he wanted to go see them live etc. So I told him I liked Something Wild and Hatebreeder the most. The dude didn't even know they had albums before HCDR.

He claimed CoB to be thrash metal with death metal influences. He didn't know what power metal was, and he just looked at me with a weird stare as soon as I mentioned the fact CoB used to have black metal influences (vocal-wise). I love CoB to bits, but apparently, I'm far from the average fan.

So yeah, the average CoB fan nowadays is a 16 y.o. retard...good to know -_-'
That is where being female wins, but that guy seriously sucks, eurgh like grope-dude at B'ham Turisas

I attempt never to go to a gig in the merch of the band I'm seeing, Yes that failed in Paris but *shrugs* Currently I have no idea what I'm wearing, it depends on what is clean at the time =)
No body art =(
eurgh like grope-dude at B'ham Turisas

That guy needs a serious punch in the face!!!

I attempt never to go to a gig in the merch of the band I'm seeing, Yes that failed in Paris but *shrugs* Currently I have no idea what I'm wearing, it depends on what is clean at the time =)
No body art =(

Haha but you looked awesome in paris... if only we could have convinced you the turisas top was unnecessary ;)

and damn you for no body art!