FAO Stormwarrior & Dream Thief

Yes, and buying it was bloody embarrassing too. Why d'you think I went to a shop I don't go in often?? :p

Yes, I know I'll get some stick for this but my sis wanted it. I can't understand her...she can listen to Busted and the likes, but yet she will happily buy Sonata Arctica, Nightwish, Edenbridge, and even some extreme stuff too.

Maybe she needs help!! :D
Dream Thief said:
Yes, and buying it was bloody embarrassing too. Why d'you think I went to a shop I don't go in often?? :p

Yes, I know I'll get some stick for this but my sis wanted it. I can't understand her...she can listen to Busted and the likes, but yet she will happily buy Sonata Arctica, Nightwish, Edenbridge, and even some extreme stuff too.

Maybe she needs help!! :D