Far Cry... just play it!

Not bad, some nice airy parts, I was never a huge fan of Geddy's voice though, and this song is a bit too hard rock for my tastes. I don't understand the whole progressive rock=high ass vocals, gimme me that Barry White style Dan Swanö anyday!
Considering the fact that "Vapor Trails" sucked so much that the whole
universe is´nt big enough to describe it this is a step in the right direction.:)
....And that horrible cover album they made.... and played songs from it live :puke:
Considering the fact that "Vapor Trails" sucked so much that the whole
universe is´nt big enough to describe it this is a step in the right direction.:)
....And that horrible cover album they made.... and played songs from it live :puke:

Yeah, remember Earthshine, a million layered vocal line, and Geddy was playbacking something with it. :lol:
Rush were pretty åsome once... a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then and far cry is not too bad if it wasn't Rush...

so I'll say just one word