Farewell To Words - Tear Down This Wall


charting my way to top :)
Feb 9, 2005
Farewell To Words – Tear Down This Wall
Bastardized Records – BE 024 - January 26, 2007
By Zack Attaran


Germany is one of the many countries that is rapidly falling into a stalemate in terms of its metalcore scene, coming a close second to the United States. With literally hundreds of bands following suit of Neaera, Heaven Shall Burn, and the likes, there is a grim future for the country that had one of the best scenes for this style. Fortunately, we have a band that is extremely passionate about their metalcore, and they aren’t planning on letting it get dull without a fight.

Farewell to Words plays an extremely articulate style of metalcore, methodically thinking out each note and passionately writing it down on paper. Though they are full to the brim with six members, each one plays an extremely important role, especially the female vocals, which gives them a much needed edge over the competition. Every riff manages to blow me away with the sheer energy produced and every time they dive into a strategically placed breakdown, one wonders whether they have a patent on the thing. Just as the song becomes stale, clean vocals rush to save the day. Even after all the smoke and dust clears, they throw in a 9 minute doomish song, and do a pretty damn good job at it too.

Though it is only an EP, this does play in Farewell to Words favor, saving their listeners from potential boredom after the initial impact wears off. Technically, there are a few issues such as sloppy solos and some off key singing. Of course, these will eventually be solved considering this is their debut. When all is said and done, it’s amazing to consider that a band who’s only mark on the scene is a 25 minute EP is so well versed, and that most bands with a couple of releases under their belt don’t even hold a candle to them. Bottom line is, this one’s short, but it’ll keep you entertained. Keep your eye on these guys, they’re going to be massive come next release.

Official Farewell to Words Website
Official Bastardized Recordings Website