Fat kids

Did you pick on the fat kid?

WERE you the fat kid?

I don't understand fatness. I drink six or seven pints a day- more on weekends- and eat like a motherfucking cuntox, but I'm still trim.

The people wot get their stomachs stapled are cheating. They need to lay off the pasties and cup cakes and start on the Weetabix regimen.

I can't stand it when people are damned layabouts, can you?

Diet + excercise= a thin person where once stood a fattie.
I've gone in and out of pudginess all my life. My weight fluctuates wildly. as an adult I've spent many years very thin, around 105-110 lbs. but had no idea that i was thin. I thought I was obese. Right now, I fluctuate every couple of months 20 lbs. either direction. I want to get back down there 110-115 because it's where I felt best. I was eating really well then.
I thought you were taller though, like somewhere about 180. 172 is short :) You also remind me of an old ex, apart from the height :D

I saw a very very tiny old lady today, she was about 110 cms, for the imperialists, it's about 3 feet 7. Otherwise she was perfect, in proportion, just so small, like a miniature granny, not a snobbish made-up type though, I felt like crying when I looked at her.
i was a tad chubby when i's a kid, well maybe i still am. Tried to lose some wait a couple of weeks ago. It worked for a loss of 3-4 kg in a month but then it stopped and didn't get less. so i quit. Maybe i will start again soon.
Maqus said:
I thought you were taller though, like somewhere about 180. 172 is short :) You also remind me of an old ex, apart from the height :D

I saw a very very tiny old lady today, she was about 110 cms, for the imperialists, it's about 3 feet 7. Otherwise she was perfect, in proportion, just so small, like a miniature granny, not a snobbish made-up type though, I felt like crying when I looked at her.
Ah ah alright i'm a dwarf:tickled:
when I was young I was not that so-called thin. I mean my nursery years. not fat either, but I don't call that thin. when I went to school I think I was already the same as I am now...
sometimes in the past few years I tried to get thinner, and there were times when I wanted to put on some weight too, but none of it worked. (I didn't mean it something drastic or for sure, just to see if it works or not...) I once had some problem (say that I was very-very sad and didn't know what to do...) which had the effect on me that I could not eat a thing for about 3 or 4 weeks... everyday I forced myself to eat a maximum of a half sandwich, but usually something smaller, but I didn't lose weight :erk:
wow why did you do that, to kill yourself?
there's nothing like a good dish in this planet! eat ppl eat ffs! (not to death though)
curvey is way better than skinny and miserable.
You didn't lose weight 'cause your body went into starvation-mode. Then when you DO eat something, all of this is stored in your body for later use, aka you get "fat" eating "nothing".

Eat, but eat right...