Fates Warning - disconnected and FX


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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(I believe those are the actual titles....correct me if wrong)

Are these records any good? Worth buying? Is it true that Alder has toned down the dreadful screeching?

I lost interest in Fates after Parallels. Inside Out sucked and Grey was a snooze fest. Top that with Alder's dreadful, often off key vocals, and I ignored these later releases.

But I've read that Alder, much like LaBrie, has toned it down in his older age and keeps the roaring to a minimum. Is that true?
Keith! said:
I think you mean FWX. I think its an alright album, its got a few really good songs and I dont think the singing is bad.

I HATE THAT ALBUM...!!!...ive said it numerous times....that was the worst $10 I ever spent...the vox suck on that album...it jsut ruins the album for me...and the music is very bland..nothign new...!!!!........PEAC EOUT
sure, compared to No Exit/Parallels, he has toned down. but actually that already happened on APSOG, so I don't quite understand why you call the vocals screeching on that album. if you didn't like the vocals on APSOG then you'll probably not like those on Disconnected or FWX.
I'm a big fan of Alder since APSOG actually! he may have his cheesy moments but I don't mind.
the good thing about Disconnected and FWX is that although they're in a way not very adventurous or complex, they're so damn listenable and enjoyable. sometimes I find myself popping in one FW album after the other, because I just don't get tired of the music.
Eh, I never cared for anything after No Exit to be perfectly honest. I think I heard FWX once, but it wasn't memorable enough for me to actually pursue its purchase. I liked Arch's A Twist of Fate EP though. Hopefully he'll continue that project.