Father Strangelight confession thread


steak(knife) no more
Jul 3, 2002

come on kids, dont be shy
i confess i've been staring at a percussion player all afternoon. i'm singing in a choir and he was handling cymbals before me... oooooh.
what's my punishment?
of course it was a catholic choir, father.

My fear is though i won't have the time for an approach. we'll be meeting only 2 times, and i think he hasn't even noticed me yet :rolleyes:
can't looking without marriage be allowed for this one time?
erm yer head seems to be well, not quite in the middle if you understand me. Do you wanna trick us somehow? Then again dunno where the pope has his head sometimes..... ;)
im disappointed now, i thought you killed it bare hands like :(

me dads grand dad caught a snake while it was trying to fuck off through a little hole in the wall, the he grabbed his tail, and he kept pulling it but the snake wouldnt let go, then he got someone to pour alcohol over the snake and they burnt it *MAN*
well i crushed its head, hm bare hands..noh me grand-dad did something like yours only he did it with his feet, he must of stepped on the head or something, weird i dont quite remember the story..my father told it to me a long time ago , I should ask him again:)
siderea said:
of course it was a catholic choir, father.

My fear is though i won't have the time for an approach. we'll be meeting only 2 times, and i think he hasn't even noticed me yet :rolleyes:
can't looking without marriage be allowed for this one time?
you are forbidden to covet this cymbal player unless your thoughts are pure and marriage is your sole intention.
5 of these before bedtime and no impure dreams! FFS!

'Wees gegroet Maria, vol van genade, de Heer is met U, Gij zij de gezegende onder de vrouwen, en gezegend is Jesus, de vrucht van Uw schoot. Heilige Maria, Moeder van God, bidt voor ons zondaars, nu en in het uur van onze dood. Amen.'
Dhatura said:
I ate beans and I had erotic dreams about a person of different faith. Even cleaning the flat didn't help :erk:
Well, if this 'different faith' is the right faith then you should convert and be considering marriage. Anyway, until then you must say 15 of these before bedtime..