Fav Dead dude of 2008 (pole)

Favorite Dead Person in 08?

  • Total voters
This is a really weird list. Honestly, I've never heard of any of the five dudes, so none deserve my vote lol. If I could choose, I'd prolly give my vote to Solzhenitsyn.
George Carlin was the man. Not to disrespect Heath Ledger (actually, I don't give a shit) but he is way over-rated. He plays a fucking clown in a movie and the whole world licks his asshole :lol:
George Carlin was the man. Not to disrespect Heath Ledger (actually, I don't give a shit) but he is way over-rated. He plays a fucking clown in a movie and the whole world licks his asshole :lol:

George Carlin wasn't as great as everyone says, so in fact you're licking his asshole. His pseudo-intellectual observations were hit and miss. He had talent, but he wasn't the fucking king of comedy people made him out to be.

inb4 you attack me with some bullshit

P.S. I've seen 6 of his HBO specials that span through his career so I have a good sampling of his material to judge him by.
If you voted Heath Ledger then you are blinded by the new batman move, unless you love Brokeback Mountain, 10 Things I hate about you and A Knight's Tale. While he did an amazing job in TDK, he was a faggot in everything else. As good as the role was, it wasn't enough to offset everything I hated about him before.

Ledger to me, I don't really know the others. But like Joe said, his previous roles were plain gay.:lol:
George Carlin wasn't as great as everyone says, so in fact you're licking his asshole. His pseudo-intellectual observations were hit and miss. He had talent, but he wasn't the fucking king of comedy people made him out to be.

inb4 you attack me with some bullshit

P.S. I've seen 6 of his HBO specials that span through his career so I have a good sampling of his material to judge him by.

George Carlin was as great as everyone says he was. Prove me wrong.

inb4 another inb4 to protect your argument

P.S. I've seen all his specials. All make me lol. Gay cowboys and clowns don't do it for me :lol:
Well, he portrayed that gay cowboy and that clown pretty well, and not to "stereotype.'. I'd have respected that first Batman telly show much more if the Joker'd been portrayed as well and as truly effed-up! Then again, I was around 6 so...you know kids.
Anyway, I'm sorry to see any of these guys go. But I voted for Hayes.
(and Carlin, at least to me when he came on the scene, was a bit of fresh air. However, I'll always believe that no one comes as close to perfection (in this vein) as Lenny Bruce.)