fav female fronted metal vocals (Awesome Metal Bands - Joint Me or be Slayed

Mar 26, 2012
Whats your favorite or favorites female fronted metal vocals,

I personally have loads of fav female singers, not in any order:

Simone simons, Maria Brink, Alissa White-Gluz, Tarja_Turunen, liv jagrell, Henriette Bordvik, Monika Pedersen.

these are just a few, what about you. I love all types from aggressive brutal to melodic operatic Gothic, you name it

;- )
Thank God you created this thread! I was lacking a place to express my immense appreciation for female-fronted metal bands!
Surely it is blasphemy that such a thread does not already exist, on the very front page I say!

Oh wait! What is this?! Do my eyes deceive me? Surely not! There already is such a thread! On the very front page too!

Thank the heavens!
sorry was that a hint of sarcasm???

will someone stop being sarcastic and actually be nice on hear its my first week, if you wanna be sarcastic visit my site and I will make you pay....

lol not really , you might enjoy it tho
When I saw you had also a website called "Awesome Metal Bands" I didn't think you were a troll (who would create, promote and work to a music site just to waste his time?), but now I'm not any more sure about that. Anyways it's Dynabyte.
I feel like we should start taking odds on how long it takes this shining intellect to leave. I'm gonna go with under a week.

Also, I unfortunately know who Alissa White-Gluz is and she is a terrible vocalist in a terrible band. I strongly urge you to consider not posting for a while until you learn 1, how this forum works and 2, what decent metal sounds like.
A typical 15 year old fanboy. Also, I visited his forum which has cca 60 threads and he is the only poster there. And every thread only has 1 view, which is... him... obviously.