Fave Godspeed You Black Emperor Release

'Lifts Your Skinny Fists...' is my favourite. "Static" is my favourite song. Something about that song that is absolutely soul destroying yet beautiful at the same time. Haven't really got into them as I find that you need to be in the right mood to really enjoy the songs.
East Hastings middle portion is the only good thing the band put out that I've heard and liked.
I can't believe you guys don't like the latest one much... Yanqui U.X.O. is my favorite album of theirs. I think probably just because I don't like all the samples on the other albums. But yeah...
the samples were one of the best parts about the band. and the range of ambient sound effects was a lot greater on skinny fists. but still, like i said, yanqui is still amazing. the only other problem i have with it is track 2, i never thought id say this but it actually drags. (suprising coming from me, i love draggy, drawn out music) 6 minutes is too long, the music is only suited for 2 or 3 imo.
ShadowOfDeath said:
Sorry for my idiocy. I've heard of G!YBE so many times and don't know anything about them. I somehow dled a song, and it wasn't bad. But what genre are they?

most people classify them as "post rock" er something like that. It's good stuff. Go get Lift Your Skinny Fists...
a really really good post atmospheric rock band,GSY!BE have the kind of chemistry to my ears....i can feel like i'm poured out with a silent whisper...:P