Godspeed you black Emperor!

Godspeed definitely rules !
I know them since a few month now , and i have 2 of their albums , "f#a#0" ( or something :D ) & "Lift your skinny fists like antennas to heaven" , both are very inspiring music , or should i say sounscaping music...Anyway , they are real musical aliens !

They are from Canada , right? It's pretty hard to get infos about them...

Gybe! rules :)
And other constellation records ' bands too :)
GSYBE are awesome....have you heard A SILVER MOUNT ZION? It's a side project of members of Godspeed ....and another good 'soundscape', beautiful, emotional band is TARENTEL from San Francisco....
Just downloaded a few songs to check it out and i must admit it sounds really really great ! :) Gonna buy some CDs when I grow old , I work and I earn money :) :) :)
Any special titles to recommend me ?
what is their style? i heard about them in the "the end records" mail-order, but there isn't enough information about their music.. so, please share your comments.. and recommend some songs to download please... thanks
both very good groups from the albums I have but not amazing

here billowof zeal is that a brendan "dead can dance" perry lyric in your sig??
I saw him live when he toured "eye of the hunter" but I had'nt heard the album so I was expecting dcd type stuff ..i was pleasantly suprised
it was in vicar street in dublin, a really good venue for that kinda gig.

Some moron at the table next to us kept shouting "spirit" right the way tru the gig. towards the end perry was talking to the audience and this shite hawk is still shouting for spirit when someone else in the audience shouts back at the him "SHUT IT!!" the whole place cracked up including perry "who thanked yer man for shutting the spa up.