Favorite Comedian Thread


Apr 16, 2002
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I just saw Dane Cook tonight and it inspired me to make this thread. Who is your fav comedian(s) and why. Ill start off with a couple of mine.

Lewis Black
Dane Cook

Prop comics are great espically one from the 80's
political and just plain funny shit that keeps me informed about how bad my government is always makes me laugh.
Dane Cook...is Dane Cook a comedian of our generation...well at least my generation...fucking hilarious show

eddie izzard
ron white
denis leary (sometimes)
lewis black (sometimes)

and i know theres more, i just cant think of any right now
Don't watch a lot of TV... so I don't know a lot of comedians. Dave Chapelle is pretty funny. Hmm well SNL's good ol' days with Will Ferrell and Jim Carey. I'll try to educate myself with some you guys mentioned.... :oops:
wayne brady isn't very funny at all.. but ok. anyways

Dustin Diamond. aka screech from saved by the bell. never actually heard him but yeah hes supposed to be areally dirty comedian like bob saget so hes probably funny.

and definitely danna carvey is probably my favorite comedian.

and frank caliendo is amazing at impressions.
Bill Bailey - "I am a post-modern vegetarian, I eat meat ironically" :lol:

Bill Hicks

George Carlin

AND an endless amount of British acts, most of you would hate :)
I'd say mine are...

Lewis Black, Black On Broadway almost killed me.
Dave Chappelle.
and the old Eddie Murphy Stand Up tapes are great!!!
eddie izzard and bill bailey

all them american comedians can sod off :p

americans laugh at literally anything all u gotta do is insult things

Gjallarhorn said:
Dustin Diamond. aka screech from saved by the bell. never actually heard him but yeah hes supposed to be areally dirty comedian like bob saget so hes probably funny.

Dustin Diamond was in Porn.

Dave Chapelle, Bill Cosby (not that kids say fucking dumbass things show shit), Jerry Sienfeld, Mitch Hedberg.

The guy from that shit "Yes Dead", He did some stand up and I saw some on TV, it was pretty good.

Shit that brown guy, who makes fun of his foreign parents "Somebody gonna get a hurt" fuck cant remebr his name but hes good.