Favorite films?


Oct 24, 2010
New York
My younger sister is a double major in art history and cinema studies. She's writing her undergraduate thesis on the issues adapting indie comic books to the big screen. I've always had problems with focusing during movies, and her insights have recently helped me to better focus on films.

Out of curiosity, what are your favorite movies? Any recommendations?

Also, I speak Mandarin, Hebrew, Spanish and my sister speaks French, so foreign films are welcome.
empire strikes back
e.t.: the extra-terrestrial
blade runner
raiders of the lost ark
the big lebowski
groundhog day

...to name a handful.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Godfather
Eastern Promises
A History of Violence
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Inglourious Basterds
Pulp Fiction
The Wall
Lawrence of Arabia
Black Swan

the list goes on and on and on... so many good ones.
The Dollars Trilogy/The Man With No Name Trilogy
From Dusk Till Dawn
Black Hawk Down
Terminator 1 and 2
The Silence Of The Lambs
Rear Window (all Hitchcock films actually)

Loads of others, you can never remember all of them for these types of recommendations!
Most of hitchcock movies
Schindler's List
12 Angry Men
Godfather 1/2
The Shawshank Redemption
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Shutter Island
Das Boot
Terminator 1/2
Must say Blade Runner. Seen it many times, but just bought the Final Cut the other day.

I also love The Road.
The Star Wars Hexalogy is the film gem of the past 30 years. It is more of a Picasso than a series of movies.

maybe a picasso in the sense that when taking ep. I-III into account, it ends up looking like a big jumbled pile of senseless shit! every time those movies come on tv i try watching them again to give them a shot, and end up puking in my mouth every time. revenge of the sith should have had one of the most heart-wrenching conclusions of any film ever, and lucas dropped the ball like it was new year's!

Mystic River

yes! such a tragically underrated film

also, my username should give away my fav. film of all time...at least when it comes to serious subject matter. chalk up another vote for the big lebowski in regards to comedies...and throw a shoutout to pineapple express too - james franco's character in that movie is just wayyyyy too reminiscent of many stoners i've known over the years

i'm also a HUGE sucker for all the cheesy(and violent) bullshit from the 80s...can't stand the music from then, but the movies were the best! predator, alien/aliens, terminator, robocop 1/2, batman(nicholson as joker = BOSS!), total recall, rocky I-IV, rambo I-III, top gun, the lost boys...even the fucking goonies, ferris buehler, ET, gremlins...i should just stop now! a few of those were late 70s, but the sequels were all 80s, so i lump them together

Terminator 1, the rest I have not!

T2 is an all-time must watch...don't waste your time with the 2 that followed, though, they're total trash
Mr Nobody
The Pianist
Citade of deus
In bruges
Schindler's list
Martha Marcy May Maylene
Notre jour viendra
The prestige
We need to talk about Kevin

I love sad movies and We need to talk about Kevin is definitely one of the most soul-crushing films I've ever seen.
Sin City :loco: - no doubt, my favourite film
Child's Play
True Romance
The Shawshank Redemption
The Crow
Forrest Gump
+ so many more I can't think of right now.
The Pianist

call me a redneck, but during the scenes of that movie where it shows the nazis rounding up the jews into the ghettos, i couldn't help but think that it would've been a lot tougher for the germans if each jewish household had a gun in it
Pulp Fiction
The Usual Suspects
The Shawshank Redemption
The Silence of the Lambs