Favorite James Murphy solo?

Triumphant Apostle

Disciple Of The Watch
Dec 8, 2001
St.Paul, MN
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My all time favorite solo by James is the solo in Trail Of Tears on the Testament-Low album. I am curious what other peoples favorites are? This includes you James since I see that you post on here sometimes,what is your favorite solo you've ever played? By the way I hope you get better soon and can't wait to hear new material!
i cant think of a favorite solo....i can however think of a favorite solo song. that would have to be "Touching the Earth" from James' solo cd Convergence....very touching song. True emotion in this one, especially if you have lost someone VERY CLOSE in your life!!!!!
"In Sufference" from the Disincarnate CD! I love this solo! Right after the vocals say "Life Spent In Sufference" & then all the sudden this Beautiful Melodic solo kicks in! Its so Melodic & mixed with James trademarks Guitar Noodling! I love that Solo!Also "The Stench Of Paradise Burning" is another goodie! But thats really a hard choice! His solo work on "Spiritual Healing" Kicks So much Ass as well! Also "Convergeance" is quite amazing solo wise! Thats probably his most Mature work as a lead guitar player!

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wow, this is a tough decision... i pretty much like them all cause the style of soloing/riffing is so signature... but heres my 3 favorites where im just like "That pretty much killed my face."

1) Convergence - since forgotten: the first 10 seconds of this solo is probably my favorite solo intro ever.
2. Obituary - chopped in half: classic
3. Disincarnate - Confine of Shadows: the way this solo kicks in is SO sick with the harmonizing, ive probably listented to this and the first one about 1,000 times, rewinding back to the start of the solo

ive never really listened to a lot of the testament stuff so ill have to check out the solos everyone mentioned.
Damn, this is SO hard, how can we choose just one?? OK, if really pushed I can think of a few favourites off the top of my head. I really love the lead trade-offs with Chuck on "Low Life" (Spiritual Healing album), the solos on "Touching the earth" are really beautiful and pretty much all the solos on "Odyssey" are great.